Sometimes I question the decisions that I’ve made.
- I often think something is going to be a good idea and I’m disappointed later on.
It seems like I’m always eating my words and taking back the strong opinions that I had. Recently, this was the case when I had to admit that our old dial thermostat was a better option than this brand new fancy smart thermostat. I never would have thought not there would be a downside to upgrading our air temperature control system. From everything that I had heard, smart thermostats were the wave of the future. People had been shouting from the rooftops about their energy savings, HVAC system maintenance, and automatic temperature control programming. I was excited to be a part of the next wave of HVAC technology. It took several months for me to convince my husband that it was a good idea to upgrade our heating and cooling system. After we finally purchased the brand new smart thermostat I was ready to gloat about our reduced energy bills and improved indoor air quality. Instead, I found myself shooting myself in the foot. It turns out, smart thermostats can be really great if you aren’t addicted to your phone. Unfortunately, my husband is anything but. Since we installed the smart thermostat I think his phone has seen more of him than I have. He’s constantly checking on our indoor air quality control and energy expenditure. In the middle of conversations he will check up on the air-conditioning settings and forced air furnace maintenance schedule. He knows if I move the thermostat up or down 1 degree. This was a terrible idea.