Periodically people are so dense that it very surprises me.
I don’t expect very much of people, however it turns out that my expectations are still too high.
I realized this the other afternoon when my parents gave me some very awful news. Apparently, they never thought that I could make it in my modern professional job. This was news to me. I typically thought that my parents were supportive of my job of choice. I keep them hot & comfortable all year round, thanks to my professional degree in HVAC repair & repair services. Yet, they were typically surprised that I was able to “split it among the men.” Good to know. My interest in HVAC started back in private school. I was fascinated with the science behind the heating & cooling technologies that all of us tend to take for granted. Most folks wake up every afternoon & think that their control unit is going to sufficiently control their indoor air quality. They never worry about the air temperature because they have high quality indoor air handling component to make sure that their homes are typically in the perfect range of rapidly changing temperatures & humidity, and on the other hand, I’ve been interested in knowing HOW AC systems & boilers work. When I went into HVAC technical school, my family seemed supportive. When I got hired as a professional heating & cooling professional, my parents said they knew I’d be great. All along, I recognize they were waiting for me to drop out of the air quality control race. They didn’t recognize a girl could work among the HVAC men.