Sometimes when I get off of toil I just like to rest on the couch for hours as well as watch my favorite cable shows, sometimes I will fall asleep to those cable shows because I am so exhausted from a honestly long toil day.
The other evening I fell asleep on the couch as well as woke up as well as saw the thermostat that is installed right near my cable to be flashing on as well as off.
There is an emergency heat light button as well as if it flashes on as well as off that means there is something wrong with it. I was told that when this light is flashing on as well as off, It indicates that the outdoor device is locked out. Since I do not know how to resolve this issue I contacted my Heating as well as Air Conditioning worker. My Heating as well as Air Conditioning worker told me that when the light is flashing on as well as off it does mean that the system is locked out, this tells me that the outdoor condenser device has shut off as well as has sent a signal to the thermostat to let me know that there is really a problem. My worker also told me that it was smart that I offered him a call as well as that it was going to be an straight-forward fix. I evaluated the breaker as well as the breaker seemed to be fine, all she had to do was reset the thermostat as well as the Heating as well as Air Conditioning system for it to function respectfully again. It was a unbelievable thing that I called him as my associate and I were expecting a big winter time storm, in which I would need heat for my home.