Sometimes I really wonder about my sister-in-law.
I know that my wife loves her very much but I have questions about the sanity of this woman.
She is one of those people who takes everything to an extreme degree and gets very paranoid about things that don’t matter. She is constantly chattering about some threat to her and her family’s safety. No matter what, we can’t have a peaceful day when she is around because she is up in arms about something or another. This woman has recently decided that she is obsessed with indoor air quality, above all else. She saw some online articles about low quality indoor are contributing to a whole host of medical conditions and health problems. That’s when she decided that heating and cooling equipment was going to cause her family to contract untreatable diseases and lifelong allergies if she didn’t have the most high tech air purification system installed in every environment. This means, it’s not good enough that they have air media purifying systems in their house… But my wife and I needed to install high-quality air purification systems at our house, as well. Of course, I had a problem with this heating and cooling assertion. We rarely ever see this family and I don’t want to bend over to her heating, cooling, and air quality control demands. What’s even more baffling with this wild opinion on indoor air quality is that my sister-in-law refuses to even vaccinate her children. If you’re so concerned about them contracting diseases… You should probably consider taking them to the doctor before you try to influence my HVAC decisions.