My guy works for an insurance contractor. He certainly does not like his job that much. The main reason he does not like his job is because of the temperature control inside of it. He does not get any say about what temperature it should be inside the office. He does not have a control device that he can control; Only the people who are directors are able to control the temperature. However you never certainly see these directors walking around often. So he never certainly knows what temperature it is going to be inside the office. Often in the summer time they make the office way too cold. He has to bring extra layers with him for sure. He even brings a heavy winter time jacket with him. He wants to make sure that he will be comfy while he is doing his work. If you are not comfortable doing your work you easily will not be certainly productive that afternoon. He wants to be fantastic at his job however having no fantastic temperature control makes it difficult. He has put in the suggestion to allow more say in the temperature that is kept in the office. However that has never certainly been dealt with. I don’t assume they will ever take into consideration other people’s preferences for the temperature inside the offices. He will just have to keep dealing with it plus maybe one afternoon it’ll change. Most often in dealers the employees do not have a say in what temperature the room is kept at. Most people just try to adapt to it as best as they can. At least my buddy and I have things called jackets plus blazers.