Learning from the HVAC technician how to change the filter

Learning from the HVAC technician how to change the filter

I never really learn something unless I end up having to do it for myself. I am always this way. You cannot tell me something and then have me remember it right away. I need to physically do something in order for me to remember it well. When we had a new HVAC system put

The perfect weather; not having to use boiler or cooling system

The perfect weather; not having to use boiler or cooling system

I cannot feel that fall is finally upon us. I can remember being at the lake in addition to relaxing on my family’s boat in addition to wishing that Summer would last forever. Now that it is inevitable to realize that fall weather is here, I am slowly starting to get excited for fall to

Parents didn’t believe a girl could be in Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C industry

Parents didn’t believe a girl could be in Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C industry

Sometimes people are so dense that it definitely surprises me. I don’t expect unquestionably much of people, but it turns out that my expectations are still too high. I realized this the other afternoon when my parents offered me some unquestionably bad news. Apparently, they never thought that I could make it in my current

Good idea to have HVAC system serviced and clean

Good idea to have HVAC system serviced and clean

I will never forget as a young child my dad always stressing me to always take care of the things that we owned. I used to have a bike and I would not ride my bike very nicely. I used to take my bike everywhere around the neighborhood ride it through puddles and throw it

Good locales to shop for a heating and cooling unit

Good locales to shop for a heating and cooling unit

There are several good locales to shop for a heating and cooling unit, sometimes, when a guy needs a current central air conditioner, or may a part chop on their boiler, they don’t know where to look for the current part for the current central air conditioner. I have put together a list of some

Dusty ductwork is making house nasty

Dusty ductwork is making house nasty

I wouldn’t say that I’m the cleanest person in the world. I’m no pig, I don’t let anything get too filthy before I scrub up, nor do I have any gross habits like leaving dirty dishes in the sink to collect bugs. I entirely don’t compulsively scrub or panic about my house being disordered, but

Keeping the air quality up in the home

Keeping the air quality up in the home

We just got a nice water cleaning unit for the home. It takes the chlorine out of the water plus makes it taste a whole lot better too. There are a lot of ways to keep toxins out of your body plus keep your health in the red. Some people wear a mask outside so

We found wonderful a/c service in Jacksonville, FL

We found wonderful a/c service in Jacksonville, FL

Whenever my mom was looking for a/c service in Jacksonville FL for her current condo, she ended up finding the entirely best Heating plus A/C company ever. I have never dealt with an a/c company that does such wonderful labor at such wonderful prices before. I was entirely shocked when my mom told me about

HVAC in hotel room

HVAC in hotel room

One of my favorite things I enjoy is travel and stay in hotels. I enjoy the idea of getting away from reality and relinquishing all responsibilities. It is nice to know that at a hotel, there are people who will do just about anything you ask. Of course, these requests come at a price, however

Different types of space heaters

Different types of space heaters

One more article to write plus then it is off to the sea for a wake up call. The water is now about 55F plus will drop a few more degrees over this month before it starts to heat up again for the summer. The lowest temp my friend and I hit in the winter

Setting up that smart thermostat

Setting up that smart thermostat

Some people love their gadgets, like my brother who is always buying the latest thing on the market. Every time a new phone model comes out he shells out the money for it like it is buying a loaf of bread. I like to keep life simple and stick with the basics, but everyone is

Setting up that smart temperature control

Setting up that smart temperature control

Some people care about their gadgets, like my brother who is typically buying the latest thing on the market. Every time a new iPhone model comes out he shells out the money for it like it is buying a loaf of bread! I like to keep life easy and stick with the basics, however almost

Grandma gets bored, makes home repairs

Grandma gets bored, makes home repairs

Apparently people are running out of things to do doing while in this quarantine. It seems like folks were getting bored a few months ago and came up with creative solutions to keep themselves entertained. Since then, it looks like most of us have given up on taking on up-to-date projects! People are ready to

Heating equipment service basics

Heating equipment service basics

They will also run tests to determine if the concern is electrical, mechanical, or related to the refrigerant system We will be getting our next power bill soon & my flatmate & I are a bit sad about it. The last bill my buddy and I got was sky high & it took us months

Won’t vaccinate, but insists on high air filtration standards

Won’t vaccinate, but insists on high air filtration standards

Sometimes I absolutely wonder about my sibling-in-law. I know that my partner loves her undoubtedly much but I have questions about the sanity of this woman. She is one of those people who takes everything to an extreme degree plus gets undoubtedly paranoid about things that do not matter. She is always chattering about some

Trying to finish HVAC classes online, my own system is the guinea

Trying to finish HVAC classes online, my own system is the guinea

Periodically I wish that I had not gone back to school. I knew that my old job wasn’t suiting me anymore so I thought it would be best to change lanes a while ago. However, it has been a hard point in time for me to complete this latest certification. I thought that it would

Heating plus Air Conditioning repair is important

Heating plus Air Conditioning repair is important

Heating plus Air Conditioning technology is vast plus complicated, having numerous different moving parts plus particularly intricate parts. For this reason I would suggest getting Heating plus Air Conditioning repair every two months to ensure your a/c or boiler is laboring officially. It is simple to schedule an Heating plus Air Conditioning serviceman, simply call

AC repair after purchasing a new home

AC repair after purchasing a new home

I moved to Jacksonville, Florida, to accept a job promotion. I was delighted by the opportunity to relocate to such a beautiful area. Jacksonville offers blue skies, warm sunshine, palm trees and all the opportunities of waterfront. While my job included a significant bump in pay, the local real estate is extremely expensive. I ended

Let my child transport out, she moved right back in

Let my child transport out, she moved right back in

Sometimes it’s best to teach your kids by letting them make sizable mistakes; You can try to keep them safe plus control their lives, but it does no good. They’re just going to resent you. In order to let my children learn their lessons, I’ll keep my mouth shut while they experience life on their

Eating outdoors is exhausting for servers

Eating outdoors is exhausting for servers

In the past several months I guess almost everyone has grown tired of being indoors! At first, it was kind of fun to stay inside all the time plus wait for the end of the world to pass, however, the apocalypse has never stopped, it seems like every day there is more poor news flooding

Going out to a bar with some friends & the air conditioning being on too much

Going out to a bar with some friends & the air conditioning being on too much

Just this past weekend my best friends & I finally reunited after two years. My buddy and I all went to university together we consider each other lifetime best friends. It is been awhile since we’ve reunited since our schedules are hectic & we are now laboring in the real world. They came & visited

Automation system is helpful in remote location

Automation system is helpful in remote location

I really enjoy peace, quiet and privacy. I built my home in a secluded area, over twenty miles from the nearest neighbor. My house is surrounded by woods, and I often catch sight of turkeys, foxes, squirrels, rabbits, raccoons and deer in my yard. Being so far removed from professional services makes it necessary to

Heating device repair basics

Heating device repair basics

We will be getting our next power bill soon and my flatmate and I are a bit nervous about it. The last bill we got was sky high and it took us months to pay it. We are hoping this bill will be lower but I guess we won’t know till it arrives in the

This AC unit is pretty obnoxious

This AC unit is pretty obnoxious

I don’t usually find myself involved in a lot of conflict. I’m fairly easy to get along with, so long as you are reasonably considerate. I’m able to look past most bad behavior so long as I can see good intention behind it, or can justify the mishap somehow; however, there are times when it

Heating as well as A/C shop overbooks – still waiting

Heating as well as A/C shop overbooks – still waiting

Apparently you can’t count on anyone these afternoons. I know that numerous of us are feeling frazzled as well as overworked with the new weather conditions. However, I don’t understand how people who are supposed to be in charge of controlling that weather conditions are so irresponsible. It’s too damn hot outside for all of

We needed an Heating & A/C specialist in Roselle, IL

We needed an Heating & A/C specialist in Roselle, IL

Several weeks ago, my spouse plus I decided that my buddy and I wanted to completely redo the Heating & A/C system in an old loft that my buddy and I had bought. My fantastic friend and I had been living there for about a month before my buddy and I decided that the whole

Dusty air duct is making home nasty

Dusty air duct is making home nasty

I wouldn’t say that I am the cleanest man in the world. I’m no pig, I don’t let anything get too filthy before I scrub up, nor do I have any gross habits like leaving dirty dishes in the sink to collect bugs. I honestly don’t compulsively scrub or panic about my home being disordered,

HVAC shop overbooks – still waiting

HVAC shop overbooks – still waiting

Apparently you can’t count on anyone these afternoons. I know that several of us are feeling frazzled & overworked with the modern weather conditions. However, I don’t understand how people who are supposed to be in charge of controlling that weather conditions are so irresponsible. It’s too damn hot outside for all of these shenanigans.

Considering a tankless water heater

Considering a tankless water heater

For several years, I debated the merits of converting from a traditional tank water heater to a tankless alternative. While a tankless model costs more to purchase and install, it offers a lot of unique advantages. One of the biggest benefits is better energy efficiency. With a conventional tank, the same water is constantly reheated,

The ductless mini-splits were perfect for my sister’s bed plus dinner.

The ductless mini-splits were perfect for my sister’s bed plus dinner.

For almost a year, my sister actively sought a home to buy that wasn’t too far from me, one that is zoned to allow her to open a bed plus dinner! She finally found one though, a sprawling home just outside of town, simple to find plus not too far off the beaten path that

Got into Heating and A/C to chase a boy at trade school

Got into Heating and A/C to chase a boy at trade school

My family has the crazy opinion of me that I try to counteract all the time. Ever since I was a little girl they have been calling me a vapid and shallow human being. They are convinced that I only love my hair, my makeup, and my clothing. They recognize that I am expecting Prince

We are looking for a/c service in Jacksonville FL

We are looking for a/c service in Jacksonville FL

My hubby plus I are looking for a/c service in Jacksonville FL right now, plus my friend and I are having a hard time figuring out which company to use. There are so many weird heating plus cooling companies around here that I just can’t decide which one would be the best fit for our

Work conditions are not the most comfortable

Work conditions are not the most comfortable

My guy works for an insurance contractor. He certainly does not like his job that much. The main reason he does not like his job is because of the temperature control inside of it. He does not get any say about what temperature it should be inside the office. He does not have a control

Keeping the air quality up in the home

Keeping the air quality up in the home

We just got a nice water cleaning machine for the home. It takes the chlorine out of the water and makes it taste a whole lot better too. There are a lot of ways to keep toxins out of your body and keep your health in the green. Some people wear a mask outside so

Big savings on heating costs this winter

Big savings on heating costs this winter

We are so not out of the woods yet when it comes to winter. It’s funny how that works. It’s now March and I have been happily noticing that there has been less heating demand as the winter is waning. That got me all excited about my favorite season, the Spring. But of course, we

On a bus trip & no heat

On a bus trip & no heat

My wifey’s mom enjoys to organize trips. She is basically like a travel agent for local trips within our state & internationally. She knows exactly where to go, how to get coupons & the best deals especially when you’re trying to travel for a budget; Just this past weekend my pal and I went to

Deciding to replace old air conditioner

Deciding to replace old air conditioner

Plus, the modern system does a better job of filtering out air contaminants and handling excess humidity I was delighted to move from the northern part of the country to Largo, Florida. I was more than happy to leave behind sub zero temperatures and long months of snow and cold. There was no longer a

Upgrading Heating plus Air Conditioning for winter

Upgrading Heating plus Air Conditioning for winter

I’m a sizable fan of the changing seasons, plus I can’t imagine living in an environment that stays the same all year round. I’ve typically lived in a seasonal weather conditions, plus I expect the normal transition from month to month as a marker of the year’s progression, but one of my favorite times of

Air conditioner service service

Air conditioner service service

We are going to do a bunch of gigs this weekend with our band in our neighborhood & other towns near us. My pal and I will be buying an RV soon & traveling around the country to do shows in other towns & will be on the road for about six months. This has

Setting up instrument room

Setting up instrument room

My boyfriend is a simple man in most respects. He likes all the things that you expect a dude to enjoy, and he’s easy to please most of the time. The one thing about him that is somewhat difficult, however, is how much he loves collecting and owning expensive instruments. Because he is a professional

.Needing to get furnace checked before colder winter season rolls around

.Needing to get furnace checked before colder winter season rolls around

I also like to scrub my air vents as well as have my Heating, Ventilation & A/C specialist come to my condo to scrub my air ducts It’s typically superb to be on top of the game. I was taught this at a young age to typically beginning things before the deadline as well as

This town is great; professionals everywhere

This town is great; professionals everywhere

I am honestly blissful that I found the right locale to live. You never know what you’re going to wind up with when you transport to a new city. There is a honestly great occasion that you will accidentally choose the wrong part of neighborhood if you don’t have a local guide to show you

Recalling a time going on senior trip plus a/c broke in hotel room

Recalling a time going on senior trip plus a/c broke in hotel room

I can remember senior year like it was yesterday. Senior year was one of the most easier years. During that year I knew which school I was going to plus what major I wanted to study. During the end of senior year my good friend and I had two senior trips. On one of the