The several aspects of a cooling plus heating provider

The several aspects of a cooling plus heating provider

This week is going to be a fun afternoon as my friend and I are planning on playing some ball on the beach later, plus then after that I will play some songs with a group of friends at sunset on this rock pier. My shoulders are going to take a beating this week so

The latest heating devices out there

The latest heating devices out there

I didn’t have the best sleep last night as my mind kept going over my songs plus my stocks. These two things have been on my mind for a while now as I piled all of my money into the market plus have been writing a lot of modern songs over the past few months.

Electric heating and cold nights

Electric heating and cold nights

Today is a bit on the freezing side of the thermometer, with temps being below cold for more than 2 months we are all starting to feel a bit antsy for warmer afternoons. It looks like there is one more month of cold weather and then it will slowly start to get warm again. There

The more than 2 aspects of a cooling and heating provider

The more than 2 aspects of a cooling and heating provider

Today is going to be a fun afternoon as we are planning on playing some ball on the beach later, and then after that I will play some songs with a group of friends at sunset on this rock pier. My shoulders are going to take a beating today so after all of that fun

Different types of space heaters

Different types of space heaters

One more article to write and then it is off to the sea for a wake up call. The water is now about 55F and will drop a few more degrees over this month before it starts to heat up again for the summer. The lowest temp we hit in the winter season is about

Commercial heating and cooling providers

Commercial heating and cooling providers

We have been running our company for a while now and it looks like we will be shutting the doors next year as the boss is ready to retire. A lot of us working here will be upset to see the supplier go however change is inevitable and we will all move on and find

Big savings on heating costs this winter

Big savings on heating costs this winter

We are so not out of the woods yet when it comes to winter; It’s funny how that works. It’s now April as well as I have been happily noticing that there has been less heating demand as the winter is waning, then that got me all happy about my number one season, the Spring,

Welcoming air conditioning on the porch

Welcoming air conditioning on the porch

I’m not wild about all the adjustments that I’ve been making when it comes to getting older. But I don’t see many other alternatives so I just keep trying to roll with the punches. Actually, getting old isn’t nearly as exhausting as I thought it was going to be. I remember leaving the zone controlled

Commercial heating plus cooling providers

Commercial heating plus cooling providers

We have been running our supplier for a while now plus it looks like my buddy and I will be shutting the doors next year as the boss is ready to retire. A lot of us working here will be upset to see the dealer go but change is inevitable plus my buddy and I

Electric heating & cold afternoons

Electric heating & cold afternoons

Today is a bit on the cold side of the thermometer, with temps being below cold for multiple months my buddy and I are all starting to feel a bit antsy for warmer afternoons. It looks like there is one more month of cold weather & then it will slowly start to get warm again.

Different types of space heaters

Different types of space heaters

Micathermic Heaters – Micathermic heaters use a combination of convection & radiant heating to supply a balanced, efficient heat One more article to write & then it is off to the sea for a wake up call. The water is now about 55F & will drop a few more degrees over this month before it

Commercial heating & cooling providers

Commercial heating & cooling providers

We have been running our dealer for a while now & it looks like my buddy and I will be shutting the doors next year as the boss is ready to retire. A lot of us working here will be distraught to see the company go however change is inevitable & my buddy and I

What is a dual fuel system for the house?

What is a dual fuel system for the house?

We are having those days now where it is chilly in the afternoon plus then sizzling in the afternoon. The weather doesn’t know what it wants to do as my friend and I enter the start of February. My buddy and I will undoubtedly still have some undoubtedly cold days coming up to mark the

What is a dual fuel system for the house?

What is a dual fuel system for the house?

We are having those afternoons now where it is cold in the morning and then warm in the afternoon. The weather doesn’t know what it wants to do as we enter the start of January. My associate and I will absolutely still have some absolutely cold afternoons coming up to mark the end of winter,

Heating device maintenance basics

Heating device maintenance basics

We will be getting our next power bill soon and my flatmate and I are a bit worried about it. The last bill we got was sky high and it took us months to spend money it. My associate and I are hoping this bill will be lower although I know we won’t know till

Big savings on heating costs this winter

Big savings on heating costs this winter

We are so not out of the woods yet when it comes to winter; It’s funny how that works. It’s now March and I have been happily noticing that there has been less heating demand as the winter is waning, but that got me all excited about my favorite season, the Spring; But of course,

Keeping the air quality up in the home

Keeping the air quality up in the home

We just got a nice water cleaning unit for the home. It takes the chlorine out of the water plus makes it taste a whole lot better too. There are a lot of ways to keep toxins out of your body plus keep your health in the green. Some people wear a mask outside so

What is a dual fuel system for the house?

What is a dual fuel system for the house?

We are having those days now where it is freezing in the afternoon plus then warm in the afternoon. The weather doesn’t know what it wants to do as my buddy and I enter the start of February. We will particularly still have some particularly freezing days coming up to mark the end of winter,

Heating device repair basics

Heating device repair basics

We will be getting our next power bill soon plus my flatmate plus I are a bit distraught about it. The last bill my buddy and I got was sky high plus it took us months to spend money it. We are hoping this bill will be lower although I guess my buddy and I

What is a dual fuel system for the house?

What is a dual fuel system for the house?

We are having those afternoons now where it is cold in the afternoon & then warm in the afternoon. The weather doesn’t know what it wants to do as my buddy and I enter the start of January. My pal and I will easily still have some easily cold afternoons coming up to mark the

Heating equipment service basics

Heating equipment service basics

They will also run tests to determine if the concern is electrical, mechanical, or related to the refrigerant system We will be getting our next power bill soon & my flatmate & I are a bit sad about it. The last bill my buddy and I got was sky high & it took us months

Setting up that smart temperature control

Setting up that smart temperature control

Some people care about their gadgets, like my brother who is typically buying the latest thing on the market. Every time a new iPhone model comes out he shells out the money for it like it is buying a loaf of bread! I like to keep life easy and stick with the basics, however almost

Air conditioner maintenance service

Air conditioner maintenance service

We are going to do a bunch of gigs this weekend with our band in our neighborhood and other towns near us. My associate and I will be buying an RV soon and traveling around the country to do shows in other towns and will be on the road for about six months. This has

Setting up that smart control unit

Setting up that smart control unit

This can include setting up bizarre levels of access for bizarre users Some people prefer their gadgets, like my brother who is regularly buying the latest thing on the market. Every time a current cellphone model comes out he shells out the currency for it like it is buying a loaf of bread, however i

Got into HVAC to chase a boy at trade school

Got into HVAC to chase a boy at trade school

My family has the silly opinion of me that I try to counteract all the time. Ever since I was a little girl they have been calling me a vapid and shallow human being. They are convinced that I only care about my hair, my makeup, and my clothing. They think that I am expecting

Eating outdoors is awful for waiters

Eating outdoors is awful for waiters

Without advanced air conditioning units you are going to suffer a great deal throughout the hot and humid part of the year. In the past several months I think everyone has grown tired of being indoors. At first, it was kind of fun to stay inside all the time and wait for the end of

This neighborhood is great; professionals everywhere

This neighborhood is great; professionals everywhere

I am really glad that I found the right place to live. You never know what you’re going to wind up with when you move to a new city. There is a very good chance that you will accidentally choose the wrong part of town if you don’t have a local guide to show you

Mom is too protective; terrified of furnace burning her child

Mom is too protective; terrified of furnace burning her child

It can be really difficult growing up in a family where there are large age discrepancies between the children. In my house, I am the oldest of five. Unfortunately, the five of us were not born in any kind of logical span of time. In fact, I am 20 years older than my youngest sibling.

Never knew I had a brother; new HVAC tech at the shop

Never knew I had a brother; new HVAC tech at the shop

When I was growing up I knew that my parents had a rocky relationship. It was clear that they had both been through some difficult life experiences before I ever was put on this Earth. However, I never knew the full history of my mom or dad. Truth be told, I was rather shocked a

Won’t vaccinate, but insists on high air filtration standards

Won’t vaccinate, but insists on high air filtration standards

Sometimes I really wonder about my sister-in-law. I know that my wife loves her very much but I have questions about the sanity of this woman. She is one of those people who takes everything to an extreme degree and gets very paranoid about things that don’t matter. She is constantly chattering about some threat

Wife screams at HVAC tech for getting dust in her house

Wife screams at HVAC tech for getting dust in her house

Sometimes I think it’s best that my wife and I split up our house duties and keep it that way. She is amazing at doing laundry, keeping our schedule organized, and cleaning up the kitchen. I’m pretty good at cooking, yard work, and dealing with the service workers who need to come help us with

Let my daughter move out, she moved right back in

Let my daughter move out, she moved right back in

Apparently, within one week of moving into her new digs, the AC unit broke down. Sometimes it’s best to teach your kids by letting them make massive mistakes. You can try to keep them safe and control their lives, but it does no good. They’re just going to resent you. In order to let my

HVAC shop overbooks – still waiting

HVAC shop overbooks – still waiting

They promised to have someone on the premises to inspect the HVAC device within the next day… and then they never showed up to follow through on the AC request Apparently you can’t count on anyone these days. I know that many of us are feeling frazzled and overworked with the current climate. However, I

Parents didn’t think a girl could be in HVAC industry

Parents didn’t think a girl could be in HVAC industry

Sometimes people are so dense that it really surprises me. I don’t expect very much of people, but it turns out that my expectations are still too high. I realized this the other day when my parents gave me some very disappointing news. Apparently, they never thought that I could make it in my current

Got halfway through HVAC repair; internet died

Got halfway through HVAC repair; internet died

I really try to be a DIY sort of human. The problem is, I’m not very good at it. I try to learn, but I often fail at all of my intended projects. Don’t worry, that doesn’t stop me from trying my damndest. I’m always frequenting different online channels for DIY videos and tutorials. I

Zone controlled HVAC is the key to a long marriage

Zone controlled HVAC is the key to a long marriage

I’m no marriage expert, let me say that right off the bat. I’m definitely not a couples therapist or anything like that. But I can tell you that I’ve been married for 40 years and I’ve never worried once about a divorce. I think there are a few simple keys to our success as a

Trying to finish HVAC classes online, my own system is the guinea

Trying to finish HVAC classes online, my own system is the guinea

Sometimes I wish that I hadn’t gone back to school. I knew that my old career wasn’t suiting me anymore so I thought it would be best to change lanes a while ago. However, it has been a difficult point in time for me to complete this latest certification. I thought that it would be

HVAC technician passes out

HVAC technician passes out

People really need to be more careful with the way that they treat their bodies. You would be shocked to find out all of the things that I find that my friends and family are doing. Many of them make terrible decisions like drinking all day everyday. Some of them are pack a day cigarette

Grandma gets bored, makes home repairs

Grandma gets bored, makes home repairs

Apparently people are running out of things to do during this quarantine. It seems like folks were getting bored a few months ago and came up with creative solutions to keep themselves entertained. Since then, it looks like most of us have given up on taking on new projects. People are ready to get outdoors

Never should have bought him a smart thermostat

Never should have bought him a smart thermostat

Sometimes I question the decisions that I’ve made. I often think something is going to be a good idea and I’m disappointed later on. It seems like I’m always eating my words and taking back the strong opinions that I had. Recently, this was the case when I had to admit that our old dial

Won’t vaccinate, but insists on high air filtration standards

Won’t vaccinate, but insists on high air filtration standards

Sometimes I easily wonder about my sibling-in-law. I know that my wifey enjoys her actually much although I have questions about the sanity of this woman. She is one of those people who takes everything to an extreme degree and gets actually paranoid about things that don’t matter. She is constantly chattering about some threat

Dad is too protective; terrified of furnace burning her child

Dad is too protective; terrified of furnace burning her child

It can be easily difficult growing up in a family where there are giant age discrepancies between the children. In my house, I am the oldest of five, and unluckyly, the five of us were not born in any kind of logical span of time. In fact, I am 20 years older than my youngest

This town is great; professionals everywhere

This town is great; professionals everywhere

I am honestly blissful that I found the right locale to live. You never know what you’re going to wind up with when you transport to a new city. There is a honestly great occasion that you will accidentally choose the wrong part of neighborhood if you don’t have a local guide to show you

Won’t vaccinate, but insists on high air filtration standards

Won’t vaccinate, but insists on high air filtration standards

Sometimes I absolutely wonder about my sibling-in-law. I know that my partner loves her undoubtedly much but I have questions about the sanity of this woman. She is one of those people who takes everything to an extreme degree plus gets undoubtedly paranoid about things that do not matter. She is always chattering about some

Got into Heating plus Air Conditioning to chase a boy at trade school

Got into Heating plus Air Conditioning to chase a boy at trade school

My family has the absurd opinion of me that I try to counteract all the time. Ever since I was a little girl they have been calling me a vapid plus shallow human being. They are convinced that I only love my hair, my makeup, plus my clothing. They know that I am expecting Prince

This town is great; professionals everywhere

This town is great; professionals everywhere

I am easily cheerful that I found the right arena to live. You never know what you’re going to wind up with when you transfer to a new city. There is a actually wonderful opening that you will accidentally choose the wrong part of town if you don’t have a local guide to show you